Welcome to ZOOsupport

Welcome to ZOOsupport

ZOOsupport allows you to seek technical support with ZOO's services and track the progress of the requests you make.

Before submitting a Request, have you tried the articles located to the right of your screen under "Categories"?

If the articles were not specific to your query, to submit a new request, simply go to the home page and select the service you are having a problem with.

Fill out the form by describing the problem you are having then submit it. If it helps to describe the problem, please upload a screen shot or other image.
Please supply the URL of the page you are having issues with.

Once your request has been submitted, you should receive email confirmation. We aim to get back to you as soon as we can.

You will receive email notifications of new activity on your requests, to the email you supplied in the request, but at any time you can check the progress of any of them via your dashboard of requests.